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Hotel Estrela de Fátima - Official website
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+351 249 531 150 Chamada para a rede fixa nacional

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Babies 0-1 year
Grutas da Moeda (The Coin Caves)

Grutas da Moeda (The Coin Caves)

According to tradition, in times gone by, a local wealthy man was passing by a cave in a forest, when he was assaulted by a gang of ruffians who tried to steal the coin purse he was carrying around his waist. In the confusion of the attack, the man fell into the cave, taking the coin purse that was so coveted by the attackers with him. The coins tumbled over the precipice and were lost forever, giving this place the name by which it is still known today – the ‘Cave of Coins’.

More information:

Reserve your stay at our hotel and enjoy an offer on tickets to this natural wonder, just 2 km from Fátima!

* Accommodation
* Breakfast
* Offer on tickets to Coin Caves

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